Recent studies show that approximately 50-60% of all medical leaves from work are due to stress. Otherwise, companies are devoting more attention to this problem and resources, but they are far from simple solutions for mass purpose.
Around half of all European workers consider stress to be common in their workplace, and it contributes to around half of all lost working days. Like many other issues surrounding mental health, stress is often misunderstood or stigmatized. However, when viewed as an organizational issue rather than an individual fault, psychosocial risks and stress can be just as manageable as any other workplace safety and health risk.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
That’s why we decided to create a special, Antistress Capsule technology that will offer a simple and effective solution.
More about the capsule itself was told by its creator, founder and project manager, Mr. Roberto Hroval: “We have already developed special generators for public and personal use, which, through the dispersion of natural essences, have a beneficial effect on the human body and the psyche. However, the use of these devices is limited to the installation in a certain space, which breathes the essence of nature. “
Mr. Hroval’s idea was to use knowledge of “Cold Micromolecular Dispersion” technology and the impact on the bio-chemical characteristics of the human body in the production of a mobile device specializing in the revitalization of the human body and the psyche with accurate feedback in real time.
This means that every participant in the special therapy that will take part in the Antistress Capsule can also monitor his progress in eliminating stress, in the form of a colour changing special ball, which works according to the principle of biofeedback and the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) process.
“I definitely feel stress, yeah. It’s like — we’ve been incredibly difficult and painful the last several months. Absolutely, of course. I’m sleeping on the factory floor, not because I think that’s a fun place to sleep. You know. Terrible,” he said.
Elon Musk, from an interview with CNBC, about stress
Reduction of stress by as much as 96%
As research has shown, the Antistress Capsule will help reduce the stress factor by 96% over a short fifteen minutes! Such a great effect is the result of a completely natural solution – innovative synergies between special light, sound and selected plant essences, which are dispersed into the space according to the principle of micro-molecular dispersion.
“From my experience, I can see that we can truly help people in many ways and, in particular, without side effects. The Antistress Capsule technology is just one of these. There are many initiatives known, there is a lot of talk, but nothing concrete in this direction is done; especially in the direction of the free supply of people who can not afford expensive therapists or similar, to relieve stress. I am lucky to somehow feel the solution and the way to it, and I’m also able to realize it. Depending on this ‘gift’ – or ability – I feel a maximum responsibility to improve the overall well-being of the people.”
Roberto Hroval, Antistress Capsule project founder
How will the therapies take place?
The Antistress Capsule – this will be the size of a 30m² room, and in appearance, it will remind more than a chamber from a science fiction movie – it will be available to everyone, free of charge! For a limited time, month or two, it will be placed in the centre of a selected city.
The campaign named “A fight against the stress” will take place in cooperation with city authorities or a local company, and with the help of medical personnel.
People will be able to receive a fifteen-minute anti-stress therapy free of charge before leaving the workplace, or at the end of a working day. They will be able – in a very simple way – to do something positive for their well-being and their inner state: they will calm down, reduce stress and, consequently, better, more joyfully, more collectively and more effectively spend their day.
This approach is also the »driving force« for companies that can achieve better business results through reduced employee stress, and, in particular, reduce absenteeism from work due to stress.
In any case, this method is more appropriate than the usual approaches in the desire to increase productivity, which usually ends up in burn out employees.
A series of projects to improve the living conditions of people and animals
Otherwise, the Antistress Capsule technology a part of a series of three unique projects, which Mr. Hroval recently dedicated to health and improving living conditions for humans and animals. (Before that, he was dealing with energy problems, solving the problem of drinking water at the coast, the green processing of waste materials into useful raw materials, and the like.)