We are exposed to various environmental influences on a daily basis that cause a number of responses. When these effects are intense or unpleasant they might lead to stress and thus to reduced mental abilities or even pathological conditions.

The Antistress Capsule is a therapeutic and revitalization room intended for people with sensory, cognitive and physical disabilities (falls, fractures, depression, stress, hyperactivity, etc). It was developed to satisfy perceptual needs of people with severe learning, sensory and other potential problems. It promotes relaxation or stimulation, from passive enjoyment to active decision-making. The room may be used as a component of a treatment or even a treatment in itself.

It is a mobile unit of high performance, technologically self-efficient (air conditioning/refreshing, lights, reception room, monitoring devices, generators, quality materials for all weather conditions, etc.), designed to promote high-end solution and equipped to help general people in the city to decrease their stress factor. This provides added value to the tourism or other facilities as well, which take care of their employees or clients at an innovative and high performance level.

Each side of the Antisress Capsule contains a 60” display for a sponsor or other video messages.

In front of the entrance doors of the Capsule a small display shows a “count down” time until the next treatment may begin.

• Improves mental and physical abilities
• Reduces stress
• Promotes relaxation
• Positively balance body and mind
• Improves motivation and greater concentration
• Eliminates depression

• Increase energy
• Improves sleep
• Stabilizes immune system
• Revitalizes body and mind
• Contributes to better and more efficient learning and work
• Improves memory

The Antistress Capsule is a unique High-end mobile unit that reduces stressful factors in an innovative way available for all people in the cities, factories or other facilities.

Studies in the EU and beyond suggest that between 50% and 60% of all lost working days are related to stress.

3-4% GDP lost because of stress
In the EU Member States, the cost of these and related mental health problems is estimated to be on average 3-4% of the GDP, approximately €300 billion per year.
52% of employees feel stress
52% of employees said they were less productive at work as a result of stress
400M working days lost
Over 400 million working days per year are lost because of stressful-related factors.
5.240EUR per worker was lost
5,240 euros per worker is lost annually due to stress-related factors.